The Airvape X is the new and improved version of the very popular Airvape Xs vaporiser.
It functions with a combination of conduction and convection heating systems and can be used to vaporize dry herb flower or Cannabis concentrates.
The Airvape X has a very fast heat-up time, less than 20 seconds.
In comparison to its predecessor, the Airvape X has 25% more filling space in the ceramic packing chamber, allowing for extra long vape sessions and increased flavour profile due to the ceramic.
It also offers a mouthpiece with magnetic attachment and features a temperature range between 94°C and 216°C.
Using the LED screen you can manually adjust the temperature to the exact degree you like best.
Sleek and slender design with easy to use functions.
It is powered by a 1300mAh battery which takes 1.5 hours to fully charge and is great for on the go use.
This vaporiser gives you a lot of high-quality function for an unbelievable price!
It produces an impressive amount of Vapour with great taste, a lot of power, and offers quick warm-up times.
The LED screen and buttons are extremely easy to understand and navigate through to change temperature etc..
- Choose your exact temperature
- LED Display
- 25% More Chamber Space
- For Dry Herb and Concentrates
- Less than 20 sec. Heat-up time
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