The IQ2 is the new generation of top-end Vaporisers from DaVinci, it represents the best that the brand has to offer and is widely considered to be in the top 3 best hand-held herb Vapes in the world.
This vaporizer works with flower and concentrates.
DaVinci prides itself in its state-of-the-art airflow dial, which enables IQ2 to cool down its vapor, making it up to 50% cooler than other vaporisers.
Purity and flavour are essential to the Vaporisation experience, therefore, DaVinci only uses medical grade components, all ceramic air path and a zirconia glass lined heat oven guarantees that your herb never touches plastic or metal.
The IQ2 allows the user to customise the vaporiser for optimal use by entering information based on the potency of the strain being used and the amount per dose.
The IQ2 will track your dose per draw to optimise for future sessions. Unmatched purity and flavour!
The dimmable light grid display panel is made up of 51 LED’s. The LED’s indicate the length of your draw, dose per draw, precise temperature, battery level, Smart Path.
- Works with flower & concentrates
- 10mm Bubbler Adapter
- Dimmable light grid display
- 10 year limited warranty
- 0.2g Dosage Pod
- USB charging Cable
- Pick Tool
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