The Dr. Dabber Switch Vaporiser has established itself as the best desktop Vaporiser for both Concentrates and flower.
This versatile conduction heating Vaporiser can be changed, with the touch of a button, from a top-of-the-line oil vape rig, into a top-shelf flower vaporiser.
Its unique design combines a more classic desktop vaporiser with the glass water-filtration attachment for the smoothest, most filtered, Vape hits on the market.
If you are a bong or water pipe smoker and want to transition into Vaporisers the Switch from Dr. Dabber is for you!
Unmatched quality and function with a very powerful battery (150 vape sessions per charge!).
It features incredibly quick heat-up times for its impressive 25 perfectly calibrated heat settings (allowing you to choose the optimal heat setting for your flower, regardless of how dense, or you’re type of concentrate, regardless of what viscosity).
- For Flower and Concentrates
- 150 Sessions per Charge
- Glass attachment for water filtration
- Desktop and/or Portable Vaporiser
- Average heat up time 4 seconds
- 25 optimal heat settings pre calibrated
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